
Request a Consultation

Please take a moment to familiarise yourself with the content below. As this will allow CPSA to ensure you receive the best service possible. The booking form is available at the end of the page.

Is CPSA right for me?

I require a specific dosage which is not available in commercial medications.
I am sensitive or allergic to certain non-active ingredients in medications, or have dietary restrictions which prevents me from taking these medications.
I require a liquid form of a medication only available in tablets, or visa versa.
I take a lot of different medications and would like to consider reducing the amount of tablets I take by combining ingredients where possible.
There is currently a shortage of the medication I usually take.
I need to wean off my medication such as sleeping pills, epilepsy, psychiatric medications which require a steadily reducing dosage.
I want to optimise and maintain my athletic performance and general well being.
I am interested in IV sterile drip solutions to boost my immune system, energy levels, slimming, detoxing and more.
My current medication has not been as effective or I am experiencing side effects. I would like to consider alternatives.
I react to a non-active ingredient in my medication and would like to consider a custom formulation.

What to expect during your treatment journey

Should you wish to book a consultation, kindly familiarise yourself with the below. You can also refer to our frequently asked questions page for more information, or contact us with any questions or concerns.
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Booking an appointment

  • Medical history
  • Informed consent and indemnity
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Initial consultation
(45-60 minutes)

  • Full health history review
  • Medication and supplements
  • Establish outcomes
  • Tests may be required
  • Treatment goals established
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First follow-up consultation
(30-45 minutes)

  • Test results collated
  • Medication, supplements and lifestyle changes are discussed
  • Patient-specific plan is designed and explained
  • Compounding pharmacist is consulted for individualised formulations
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Second follow-up consultation
(30-45 minutes)

  • Scheduled after 3 months
  • In-depth follow-up discussion
  • Detailed review to track progress
  • Establish an on-going maintenance plan
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Future consultations
(Duration dependent on treatment plan)

  • Every 3-6 months
  • CPSA saves prescriptions for your convenience when ordering future medications

Request a consultation

You must agree before submitting.
011 463 0310
2 Eaton Ave, Cnr Bryanston Drive, Bryanston
Mon - Fri: 8:30am to 5:00pm
With advanced clinical knowledge and cutting edge technology, we scientifically engineer personalised medications.
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